Whisperer 2nd Gen, Smart Plant Sensor. The Solar Outdoor Plant Sensor. Whisperer 2nd Gen, Smart Plant Sensor. The Solar Outdoor Plant Sensor. Whisperer 2nd Gen, Smart Plant Sensor. The Solar Outdoor Plant Sensor.

Whisperer Gen2

Whisperer 2nd Gen智能植物传感器:太阳能户外植物传感器。
Whisperer Gen2
Netro Sprite、Spark、Pixie和Whisperer强强联手,打造您的智能花园
  • 实时掌控花园动态,让您的 Sprite、Spark、Pixie保持最新信息
  • 帮您轻松制定科学浇水方案,让您的植物更健康
  • 发现喷头异常,及时处理
Netro Whisperer works with Netro Sprite, Spark and Pixie.
Netro Whisperer gets to know your sprinkler.
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不同类型的喷头通常具有不同的喷洒模式。Netro 能够识别不同喷头的喷洒模式,智能调整您的喷灌系统,实现精准高效的灌溉。Netro 能够精确测量土壤的含水量和渗透率,并根据不同植物的需水量,自动调整灌溉时间和水量,确保您的土壤始终保持最佳的分水岭。
Netro Whisperer gets soil data of your garden.
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土壤具有储存水分的功能。然而,不同类型的土壤对于水分的保持能力差异很大。水分通过沙质土壤的速度最快,它们也难以留住水分。沙质土壤更适合耐旱植物。淤泥土颗粒较小,因此孔隙也更小,能够更好地保持水分。粘土土壤具有极强的保水能力,但排水速度缓慢。土壤并非单一成分,而是由沙、淤、粘三种颗粒按不同比例混合而成。根据这三种颗粒的相对比例,土壤可以分为12种质地类型。幸运的是您无需进行复杂的测试来确定土壤类型。Netro 可以精确测量土壤的持水能力和排水速度,确保您的土壤始终在最佳时机获得适量的水分。
Soil texture determines how much and how often to water. Netro Whisperer measures the humidity, the sunlight and the temperature for various soil types. Different type of sprinkler head has a distinct watering pattern.
美观实用,一举两得 别错过细节,仔细看看
The Netro Whisperer Gen2 equipped with an efficient solar panel. The Netro Whisperer also features a rectangular LED light that you can pick your favourite color to light up your garden at night. The Netro Whisperer equipped with the moisture sensor that high accuracy works with all types of soil.
Netro Whisperer Gen2 equipped with sunlight sensor that measures a wide range of spectrum from infrared to visible. Netro Whisperer equipped with temperature sensor that measures ground surface temperature. The Netro Whisperer is waterproof.
Netro 智能浇水基于天气预报、植物类型和土壤湿度,智能安排灌溉时间,最大限度地减少水资源浪费。
- USB接口,充电更快
- 新WiFi模块,连接更稳定,兼容性更强
- 电池容量更大,用得更久
- 温度传感器升级,测量更精准
尺寸: 8.5 X 2.5 X 12.6 (inches)
重量: 6.0 oz / 170 g
电池: rechargeable battery included, 800 mAh
工作温度: 10° to 120℉ / -12℃ to 50℃
移动设备: iOS(9.0+), Android(5.0+)
无线网络: 802.11 N, 2.4Ghz, US / Japan / EU