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Text Font on rain and irrigation chart

Shawn C
Actualizado 2021-06-27 16:26:16 UTC 
Is there any way to increase the font size on the rain and irrigation charts in the app.  Alternatively can the data be switched to a table with larger type?   Or zoom?
Ver: 1729   Respuesta: 2

Can’t Delete Whisper Sensor

Mike Willet
Actualizado 2021-06-24 20:40:43 UTC 

I added the sensor as a stand alone, then added it to a pixie. Now I can’t figure out how to delete the whisper from the drop down screen. I go into settings and there are no sensors to choose from. Screenshots attached.

Ver: 1760   Respuesta: 1

Richtiger niederschlag

Gregor Schuller
Actualizado 2021-06-21 09:41:39 UTC 


In der app sollte es möglich sein den richtigen niederschlag auch auf 0mm stellen zu können.

Zurzeit ist nur 1 mm möglich

Ver: 1621   Respuesta: 1

Network error

Al Piscopo
Actualizado 2021-06-17 10:27:03 UTC 
I am trying to add a Manager and the system will not accept the email address I am entering. When I tried entering just a user name it populated an unknown email address. I deleted this. 

Then when I tried exiting the screen I received the Network Error 2507

Ver: 1594   Respuesta: 1

Watering adjustment settings

Lyndon Whyatt
Actualizado 2021-06-15 16:55:38 UTC 
In the Netro app underwatering adjustment, what percentage setting is recommended under ‘moisture to skip watering’ and ‘moisture to add water’. I have a clay loam soil and we are having warm weather.
Ver: 1839   Respuesta: 2

Text overlap in App

Kevin Westling
Actualizado 2021-06-12 14:46:02 UTC 
It's annoying that text overlap in the app. It's there a fix for this?
Ver: 1778   Respuesta: 1

Looking for Beta testers

Netro Inc
Actualizado 2021-06-11 06:11:28 UTC 

Dear all Netro customers,

The long waited new version (3.0.0) of the Netro app is on the horizon. The major improvements of this version are

1. faster in loading data 

2. new manual run interface

3. new home view design

4. more languages supported

We sincerely invite you to join the Beta testing program. Please email to support@netrohome.com or leave a message below if you would like to try the new app. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated !


Netro App Team

Ver: 23046   Comentario: 60

time irrigation stats proposal in new App

Jose Lao
Actualizado 2021-06-10 05:30:31 UTC 
I would find interesting to include in the new App version the statistics of the total time (minutes) of irrigation by day, month, zone, etc, for me it’s a more comparable data than the irrigation in cbm, I dont know exactly how it is calculated because you dont know the flow capacity of my system.
Ver: 1761   Respuesta: 1

Network Error With Code: 3404

Ian Meyer
Actualizado 2021-06-08 16:16:25 UTC 
When I try to change settings on my whisperers it gives me this error code. Both my phone and the whisperer are in range of the wifi. Also, I can change it from someone else’s phone but mine continually gives this error. What’s the issue? I’m on iOS, the phone that worked was an android
Ver: 1793   Respuesta: 1

Pause a location\device

Jon Storch
Actualizado 2021-06-06 23:08:20 UTC 

Hello.  I have a Sprite-6 device. A head in one of my zones broke over the winter and we have had a rainy spring so I want to run my system manually until I can get everything repaired and ready for summer.  How do I Pause (take off line?) a location\device and then run each zone on demand?

Thank you,

-Jon Storch

Ver: 1797   Respuesta: 1

Manual Watering

Kevin Westling
Actualizado 2021-06-04 00:42:16 UTC 
From the home screen, I use the manual watering option. Each one of my four zones won't go higher than 30 minutes each. I can go to the wheel adjustment, but it won't go higher for some reason and I'd like it to go to 60 minutes. 
Ver: 1757   Respuesta: 1

solid red light - spark controller

Actualizado 2021-06-02 12:11:24 UTC 
my controller stopped working after I lost water for couple of days. I unplugged it for 15 minutes but the sold red light is not clearing and the controller is not working. Any idea on how to fix this? Thanks
Ver: 1799   Respuesta: 1

60 minute limit

Actualizado 2021-06-01 21:33:39 UTC 
I would really like to see the app be able to water longer than 60 minute increments. I know there is a way around it to create multiple programs that run consecutively but I Would love to be able to turn on a zone from the app when it’s not scheduled and water for 8 plus hours (drip on big trees). I Have been a Netro user for years and love everything about it except this one part.
Ver: 1689   Respuesta: 1

Custom weather sources possible?

Yuriy Andamasov
Actualizado 2021-05-31 19:44:41 UTC 


Using Netro device near Madrid, Spain

Weather forecasts not that precise.

Any suggestions how to add other sources for weather forecast are welcome.

Thanks in advance. 

Ver: 1722   Respuesta: 1

Set a kind of alarm to know when the controler is working

Pedro Abad
Actualizado 2021-05-30 08:33:28 UTC 
Hello friends, I would like to know if I can set some type of alarm so that the controller alerts me to my mobile when something sector is being watered, I mnean a kind of light, message, or sound to know that it is being watered ...
Is it possible to configure this?
Thank you all!
Ver: 1840   Respuesta: 2

How do I access my sprinkler controller with a web browser?

Douglas Peale
Actualizado 2021-05-27 22:32:59 UTC 

I just bought a Netro Sprite based on the description and reviews on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XCRZWMN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1

One of the main selling points for me was one of the bullet points in the description:

"Lifetime Cloud Service - Connects to WiFi(2.4G), monitors and controls your sprinkler system anywhere from iOS(8.3+), Android(5.0+) devices and Web browsers"

I tried looking up its IP address on my router, but that fails to connect. How does one access this controller using a "web browser"?

This feature is very important to me.

Ver: 1786   Respuesta: 1

Buggy system or bad communication

Actualizado 2021-05-25 17:23:58 UTC 

I am using a netro spark for a 12 zone setup. Outside of the rough UI app experience, I am continuously seeing odd behavior in my physical irrigation system. I recently had new hydroseed installed and have the netro controller setup to run at 4 different times during the day. Typically 75% of the time things work as expected, then the other 25% of the time, my app displays "loading" for a full minute before the zone is turned on and other times the zone will turn on, then immediately turn off, or only run for less then half of the scheduled time. 

This is becoming quite frustrating as I cant trust this system for what its intended to do.

Outside of this issue, I have already been able to replicate two different scenarios that I would consider to be bugs. 

Really hoping someone can assist with this because I'm tempted to switch controllers for a more confident system.

Let me add, I just turned a single zone on manually at the controller with the same results. Set controller to run a zone for 4 minutes, zone turned on, then turned off after 1minute.

Wifi at my controller is 10.2 Mbps download and 13.1Mbps upload which is more then sufficient for MQTT as well as on a channel that has very minimal collision.

Ver: 1727   Respuesta: 2

2 controllers with one water supply

Brad Grizzly
Actualizado 2021-05-23 03:42:20 UTC 
I have 2 12 zone sprites installed and bothe are working correctly.   Is there a way to combine them some how to keep from having two zones (1 per controller ) from coming on at the same time? 

Also just planted two acres of sod and wondering if there is a preset schedule or any advice there?
Ver: 1651   Respuesta: 1

bad wireless?

Actualizado 2021-05-19 16:50:44 UTC 

I'm including a screen shot of the Netro app controlling a Sprite 12 in my home. The Sprite has very good wi-fi access. I understand from a support comment what the icons mean:

 The exclamation mark means the cloud server did not receive the confirmation from the device. There are two possible causes: 

1. the device is not powered up when it was supposed to be powered up to run that schedule. Therefore, the corresponding zone is not watered (what is why we use the exclamation to alert users) 

2. the schedule run fine but it was during a temporary network outage or exception so that the confirmation cannot be delivered to the server. Wireless connection can be unstable for a short peroid time so it is not uncommon to have a glitch in the communication. 

This is happening a lot (I'm getting more warnings than checkmarks) and I believe it's adding to the water usage. If this is a wireless connection issue (which I SERIOUSLY doubt) wouldn't the Sprite store the result and upload it the next time it has a cloud connection?  It seems that every time I get the schedule warning, the Smart Zone systems adds additional watering times to the schedule. There is nothing I can do to increase the wi-fi access at this location as it's already very close to the access point. Please let me know what can be done.


Ver: 1735   Respuesta: 1

"MQTT(port 1883) is blocked by the router"

Actualizado 2021-05-19 16:45:52 UTC 

Looking at the about screen on the app (on my phone), I click on the "Check Server Status" and I get the following message:

"MQTT(port 1883) is blocked by the router"

This device is on a separate IoT network that has full, unrestricted outbound access to the Internet. What could be causing this? 


The app on my tablet shows:

Server Status:    OK

Response time:  0.3 s

Is something being blocked on my phone? 

Ver: 2311   Respuesta: 2